Battle Ready Program: 8 Weeks to Becoming a Sovereign Man


Are you battle ready? Do you have a plan to become a sovereign man. What does it mean to become sovereign as a man? It means you have what it takes to win in all the areas of life that matter: health, wealth, relationships, and mastery over self.

It means that you are capable. It means that you have the skills you need to win.

You aren’t born sovereign. You gotta work at it. And the Sovereign Man Battle Ready Program is designed to accelerate your ability to become sovereign and win.

It’s kind of like a personal development version of Hell Week in SEAL Training. It will demand more of you than you have ever demanded of yourself. And in the process, it will turn you into someone you can be proud of, a man.

This is an 8-week program with a weekly 2-hour Battle Ready Training Session over Zoom. Each week, you are going learn powerful new distinctions you can use to help you be the man you have always wanted to be, and you will be challenged to get out of your comfort zone and achieve more than you ever thought you could.


You gotta be ready for and committed to change, you gotta be coachable, and you gotta be decisive.

If that’s you, and you’re ready to apply to join our Battle Ready Program, add to cart now.

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